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In sunshine and in shade
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
; 6:36 AM

La Vouge.
Oh my goshh !! Can't resist my temptation !!! ~~

Thursday, December 17, 2009
2 days after my sister's b'dae ... :) ; 8:43 AM


shocked right?

haha ! yeah, i know :D

My grandma came to my house 2 days after my sister's birthday and guess what?she bought a LOG CAKE for my sister !! (picture as shown above ..) haha !! its okay nenek :) i know its kinda late but its okay..at least u bought her something special~ hehehe ...

Saturday, December 12, 2009
HAPPY B'DAE KAK2 !! 12/12/09 ; 11:18 AM


Hey ! Happy Birthday to you ya ??! hahahaha !!

19 years old already!! haha ! OLD ! jus kidin' only! :D

12th Dec 2009

On this date, me and my family have celebrated her b'dae @ ECP ( East Coast Park )

we ate SATAY, AYAM PERCHIK (chicken wing), NASI GORENG IKAN BILIS AND SEAFOOD (fried rice ikan bilis and seafood) and many more ...

OMG! I feel like my stomach was going to BLOWWW at that point of time ! * full already! *

Yeah. and i enjoyed it SO MUCH ! hehe..thnx ! xD

i LOVE YOU, kakak. :)

; 10:50 AM

The Wedding Of Mr Jeremy Lim & Ms Lynette Thia !

12th Dec 2009 @ St Hilda's Church

I really do enjoyed during the wedding day.I have taken some of the photos with my friends and also the teachers of the band.hehe..Oh! and the foods were so DELICIOUS !! Whooops!..and 1 more thing,

" Mr Lim, i hope u will not scold us anymore during the band period since u have married wif Ms Thia and i want u to be happy always and have some joys wif us, Please ? "

Me n Mr Goh :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Funny InventionS ! ; 8:04 PM

Our daily lives are composed of really complicated matters. And for this reason, that we continue to seek new things, invent new stuff, and innovate technology, so as to simplify our state of living. These devices are the ones that keep us away from too much work or stress. With different new invention that are created every year. There are those devices which really catches attention. Well, not that they are considered magnificent or ground-breaking, but rather they are somewhat different or should I say weird and funny.Haha ! Anyway, I compiled 11 peculiar inventions that really caught my attention.. :)

The Paper Cup ( Mask Of A Mouth ! )

The Shoe Car

The Toilet Bowl Bicycle

The Car Of A Pig

The Car Of A Cat

The Car Of A Tortoise

A Very Long Motorbike

Butter Spread ( Glue Version ! )

The Fan For Cooling Hot Noodles

A Hat Of Tissue Rolls For Nose Blower

An Umbrella Specially For Tall People Or Those Who Do Not Want Their Whole Body To Get Wet

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
; 6:19 AM

she is a very hyper active girl today that can't control herself .

today,i laughed a lot. seriously. im not kidding.i talked rubbish with my sister.then,we both played a game @ facebook called " PetVille " and then i sang a song of that game~~~(cos' the song is like ~~) all of a sudden,my sister started to laugh at me..she said " You sing like WTH! "because she heard i sang " Petville, toOdoodoodet-todi~~ " she thought it sounded like a frog! Wth !then i said " okay. okay. fine! i'll sing another song then.." haha !! CRAP lah my sister!but seriously, i like the song so MUCH !!

THANK YOU KAK2 ! ; 4:44 AM

Spaghetti Bolognese With 3 Meatballs .but this time,it burns a little bit ~
Anyway,thank you kak2 for your treat @ Swensen's ! I really enjoyed the food and drink so much !Even with the ice-cream of 5 scoops of different flavours: Cookies 'N' Cream,Butterscotch,Lime,Chocolate and Choco Hazelnut.Haha !

Kak,lain kali blanje lagi kay??(kalau boleh lahh ..hehe..)

Monday, December 7, 2009
BORED .♥ ♥ ; 9:03 PM

me .
Seriously.Im bored at home.Can someone please entertain me??
Furthermore,i really miss this girl very badly.My BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST bestfriend. Syahirah.
Yes.Im referring to you, Sha . It feels like i wanna hug you. kiss you.
" And i always ingat when that time,kite selalu cakap pasal * dier *
Jangan sedih-sedih kay? kite akan selalu disisi awak kay? i promise . "

Sunday, December 6, 2009

haha ! last saturday,5th December 09,i went to my grandmother's house at Bedok as it was her birthday on that day.Hey! guess what ??! i bought her a cake ! a BLACKFOREST CHOCOLATE CAKE ! hmm..YUMMY ! hahaha !! then,my makcik and my pakcik brought some foods to eat such as spagetthi, roti boyan and many more ..

On the Graduation Concert :) ; 9:47 PM

Last Friday,4th December 09, it was a tiring day for me.Really.I carried a lot of things to the hall,my instrument,my file of scores,stand to hold my file and many more~~ Aaarrggh ! then,we all as a band practice as per normal,warmed up our instrument to get ready for the concert on that day.At about 6 ++,it's time for me to eat for dinner.After that, i changed from my band-t into my full black band uniform..and i adjusted my hair cos' it was totally messy ..hehe~~after finished everything,i went up to the hall and got back to my seat.At about 7 ++,the hall was full of many people to see our performance (but not that full.it's like about 1/4 ??..) haha! at that point of time,i felt that there was a butterfly in my stomach..luckily,i saw my sister and my mom coming.YAY ! i felt good already ! :) it's time for the concert to start.Then we played the first song which was "Where The Black Hawk Soars".Next,"Centuria" .and so on~~~(My Heart Will Go On,Salsa With That...) INTERVAL TIME ! (break time for the whole band.)during this period,i went to meet my mom and my sister..and we talked,talked,talked ~~blah-blah-blah~then,it's time for me and the rest of my sec 2 friends to play some of the pieces with the junior band members (sec 1 students) such as "Celebration Of Praise, PSALM 42 and Twist And Shout"..it was fun playing with them and i REALLY enjOyed !! After finished playing with them,the rest of the band members joined back together excluding the sec 1 band members.We continued by playing all the 6 Theresa's songs; "A Lot Of Words,When Will You Come Back Again,Lover,Good Bye My Love,Airport and lastly, I Only Care About You."Among these 6 pieces of song,Mr Lim asked me to play the solo part in the "Airport" song..when it was my turn to play the solo part,my senior,Bernard,quickly asked me to stand up..my heart really beats faster at that point of time..then,i started to play where the first front notes i played wrongly~~i saw Mr Lim just smiled at me telling me that "it's okay..just continue to play .." i was like watt ?!!at the end of that piece,i started to cry but then another senior of mine,Jeffrey,told me not to..as he said it was okay..at least i've tried my best..the very last piece which was "Galaxy 999" which was conducted by our incoming band major,Khairul Syazwan.I thought of not to play anymore but then Jeffrey gave me confidence to play..Thanks Jeffrey ! :) In the end,i felt good and better .Once again,thanks to all my friends who gave me support ! I LOVE YOU !!

Norlella Noordin

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BONJOUR EVERYONE!...WHO'S READING MY BLOG RIGHT NOW ! NORLELLA is my name♥ don't try to judge me if your not anyone to me kay??..or i'll BITE UR ASS ! got it? goin to be 15' this year (OMG!) im random,(in terms of looks n personality etc.)one of the band members in skool n lastly,a fanatic of all ICE-CREAMs♥!! WARNING! DON'T CLICK HERE!

Playing. Photobucket

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Looking Back.
